Best Value Gym
in Newcastle & Lake Macquarie
Call us today 49597871
1/96 Excelsior Parade,
Toronto NSW 2283

HISTORY - developed in 1983 Basil Goura (Australian Cruiser Weight professional kickboxing champion at that time) & Ron Kippa (3rd Dan Shotokan)
REASON - to add more powerful kickboxing techniques to Basil's style of Wu-Su karate.
Daryl Harris, (Owner of Energize) trained with Basil in Wu-Su .
Our expert instructors like Basil, Ron, Andrew Patterson (Budo Kan), Grahame Geary (Kyokushinki) are some of the most experienced worldwide.
With regular visits and access to instructors like Wal Bently (boxing) and Steve Shepeard (international kickboxing) our gym has flourished.
Daryl Harris 1st dan black belt in 1983 and 1st & 2nd Dan Wu-Su in 1987 - competed in Karate, Kata and weapons demonstrations from the late 1970's.
Daryl and his students have won many awards, at local and state championships.
​Wu-Sho - a kickboxing style with extremely powerful self defense techniques for swift results.
Daryl - ACHPER fitness leaders to reduced the injury rate, by always including effective warm-up and stretch routines.
We also offer separate weapons training.
Kids karate 6-12 year old.
Senior karate 13 years and over
Head instructor Daryl Harris is an accredited Instructor under MAIA (Martial Arts Institute of Australia) member MA1487